The Women at PRMG Make Their Mark
Six PRMG Women have been honored by Scotsman Guide as Top Women Originators for 2022.
Congratulations are in order for, Corissa Dailey, Samantha Zumwalt, Karyn Weger, Lori Porter, Shayna Laurel, and Kathleen Halbing! The women at PRMG have stepped up their game. These PRMG all stars have been named in Scotsman Guide as Top Women Originators for 2022.
Corissa Dailey
PRMG Originator
Samantha Zumwalt
PRMG Originator
Karyn Weger
PRMG Originator
Kathleen Halbing
PRMG Originator
Lori Porter
PRMG Originator
Shayna Laurel
PRMG Originator
2020 was the first year any women from PRMG were given this honor, with the announcement of two winners, and now for 2022 there are six! These women can definitely hold their own!
Within the top producing residential mortgage originators winners, Scotsman Guide did a separate contest to gauge the Top Women Originators. This is the industry’s most-comprehensive, verified rankings of the nation’s top-producing residential mortgage brokers, originators, loan officers, and bankers.
To qualify, these women were required to have funded $40 million or more in production or closed 100 or more loans within the 2021 calendar year. 2100 women qualified but only 300 were published.
Congratulations to our winners; these distinguished women standout amongst their partners and peers with their exemplary work ethic and deserve every victory that comes along with this honor.
“This honor exemplifies why PRMG continues to remain as a top leading lender. Congratulations again, to our top women originators, we are all so proud of you!” – Chris Sorensen, SVP, Director of National Retail
To see the full list of Scotsman Guides Top Women Originators of 2022 click here.