Good Things Come in Threes! PRMG’s TOP 3 Women Originators!
May 31st, 2023, BY PRMG MARKETING
This year’s Scotsman Guide compiles the Top Women Originators report, which recognizes the most successful residential mortgage originators based on their funded volume in 2022. This report highlights a significant increase in the number of women honored, with 762 outstanding professionals named, collectively achieving an impressive total of $52.3 billion. As compared to the prior year rankings, which featured 635 women with a combined volume of $43.8 billion. This year’s growth in female representation and success within the industry is commendable.
In recognition of the extraordinary contributions made by women in the mortgage sector, Scotsman Guide has expanded its annual publication to showcase not only the top 300 women originators but also those who have funded a significant number of mortgages. This inclusion emphasizes the dedication and hard work of all individuals involved in making the dream of homeownership a reality.
Samantha, Corissa, and Pamela are distinguished women originators who stand out amongst their partners and peers at PRMG with their exemplary work ethic.
“Being recognized as top women originators is a testament to the dedication and passion we bring to our work. We are honored to be part of this prestigious list and grateful for the opportunities to serve our clients,” said Samantha, Corissa, and Pamela collectively.
To see the extended online list of Scotsman Guides Women Originators for 2023 click here.